Hyderabad tops in chicken sales, 6 lakh kgs sold daily

Hyderabad tops in chicken sales, 6 lakh kgs sold daily

Delhi and Bangalore occupy second and third places respectively.

Hyderabad – The city of Hyderabad rules supreme in the country in terms of chicken sales. Delhi and Bangalore rank second and third respectively. Chicken sales volume in Hyderbad is 6 lakh kg per day, while it is 5.5 lakh kg in Delhi and 5 lakh kg in Bangalore.

Hyderabad is quickly gaining a reputation as a “chicken lover” city. People prefer to consume this delicacy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The city has witnessed an increase in chicken consumption after the COVID-19 crisis.

“Chicken is packed with protein and easily affordable for all sectors of society, leading to increased sales,” says a Chicken Traders report, adding: “Chicken sales had seen a big increase after the unlocking period, while meat sales are still static. “

Figures from the non-vegetarian market show that chicken dishes hold a leading position throughout the city. People from all walks of life order their favorite chicken dishes online, according to a survey conducted by food delivery operators in the city.


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