Sumalathas in Mandya Get Their Poll Symbols

Sumalathas in Mandya Get Their Poll Symbols

There are four candidates with the same name Sumalatha in Mandya elections.

Mandya : The Independent candidates for the Mandya Lok Sabha polls have been allotted their election symbols.

Sumalathas in Mandya Get Their Poll Symbols
Sumalathas in Mandya Get Their Poll Symbols

There are four candidates with the same name Sumalatha from numbers 19-22 and they are given with different symbols. The candidate number 19 has got the handcart. Sumalatha Ambarresh, who is candidate number 20 has been allotted symbol of man blowing a trumpet.

Sumalathas in Mandya Get Their Poll Symbols
There are four candidates with the same name Sumalatha from numbers 19-22

Candidate 21 M.Sumalatha and candidate 22 Sumalatha . P were given baby walker and bat symbols respectively.